You've found us: Simple Home and Hearth's School and coaching venue! Many of you traveled here through my blog or my video channel, and I'd like to say, "Welcome!"
Because this site is brand new, we're still getting our feet wet. Please be patient as we work out the kinks.
We offer one-on-one coaching (in English or ASL) with individuals who may need to "pick the homesteader's brain" and get personalized guidance on how to navigate around the homestead.
We are in the developing stages of producing courses and online content and they will be offered as they are available. (Click "All Products" tab at the top right of this page to see more.)
Please give us feedback after your coaching session, to help us continually improve!
We'd love to hear from you.
Homesteading... not for the faint of heart! We all need the support of others, for we never walk alone.
All About Chickens
This feathered flock is perhaps the first livestock that the beginning homesteader introduces. Got questions? Ask the Homesteader!
Don't I Wish...
It would be really nice if we could simply hang this sign on the livestock pen or the garden fence, or even in the kitchen! Homesteading is a lot of work, and there are many times we wish we could sleep in with the covers pulled tight over our head and declare that we won't be disturbed. Unfortunately, the livestock won't listen, and the weeds still need pulling and the harvest still needs tending. But the joys of connecting with nature have a calm all its own, and that which money can't buy! We're here to help you discover that joy, if you'll let us...
Here we will showcase other available courses, bundles, and coaching products as they are added.